Performance Management

Utilize the Xceed’s Performance Management System for Multiple Tasks

Cut down on the time and effort necessary to keep tabs on employees’ performance via the traditional manual methods and embrace the digital era to track the performance of your employees using the Digital Performance Management System.

The Xceed’s performance management system enables the organizations to keep regular track of the employees performance giving a great advantage of monitoring the progress in real time allowing the businesses to review the data and conduct performance review sessions whenever necessary instead of having to conduct it biannually or annually due to the tedious manual process.

Establish Goals

Targets have to be set in order for the growth and development and every Organization has various requirements so it has to set goals at multiple levels as it can include the holistic objectives of the business ranging from the primary goal of the company to individual employees or departments. Xceed’s tool can help in monitoring and establishing goals in a way that it can meet the target from an overall point of view which is inclusive of various objectives.


Timely Growth Management

It is pertinent to monitor the various aspects related to the performance of the employees frequently as it helps in avoiding a lot of mistakes and correcting any course deviations which can set back the objectives needed to be met on deadline as well as allowing the company to review various facets related to the performance regularly.

Transparency and Reliability

Using Xceed’s tool, gives reliable visibility into the ongoing process such as the established goals and the progress made in particular tasks to assess the performance in a fair and unbiased process while promoting the healthy, transparent and accountable culture in the organization.

Tracking and Management of Objectives

Xceed simplifies the process where the business can first establish their required goals and track the necessary steps being taken to align different targets at various organizational levels and assign or remove the tasks accordingly from the cycle with a breeze.

Automate the Evaluation Process

Evaluation of tasks can be set at various cycles such as weekly, quarterly or annually based on the requirements and the concerned employees can be sent the review of it via app-notifications or email. The evaluation process can happen at multiple levels of hierarchy at the same time which further streamlines the process.

Use the Application with Ease

Traditionally waiting until the manager reaches the workplace to be able to assess is no longer necessary as Xceed allows you to track and work on the performance objectives at any time and from anywhere giving accessibility using only the Company assigned credentials making the overall process easy. 

It can be accessed using Mobile as well the Web and to use the Xceed’s tool more effectively we provide you with the comprehensive documentation which includes detailed step-by-step explanations which allows you to use it with ease.

Single Point of Communication

Xceed’s dashboard allows personnel from various departments such as Human Resources, Management level and Employees to communicate at the same place by commenting on the established goal or ongoing task which makes the communication process cleaner and easier.

Allowing the communication to take place at the same place creates transparency about the status and clears any sort of miscommunication and points out various aspects which can be used to review and rate the performance and even give modification suggestions if necessary.

Updates can be sent out via emails based on the triggers which have been sent. Also there is an option to counter any feedback or ratings provided to the given task.

Automate Appreciation and Awards

Employees like to be appreciated for the work and Xceed automates this process by appreciating the employees based on their performance and this data available from the tool can also be used to show the appreciation in the form of an appraisal or bonus by pushing the task into the payroll process automatically.

They can be motivated by nominating the best employees monthly, quarterly or yearly as well as the teams and managers can be nominated for appreciating their performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

Traditionally the employees performance is monitored over a period of time and reviews are held either once or twice a year and those are even prone to discrepancies and biases.

The Xceed’s performance management module provides you access to transparent and reliable data which is up-to-date and it can be monitored regularly based on which frequent reviews can be conducted if necessary and the data can also be used to appreciate the performance of valuable employees to boost their morale.

  • The application can be used to monitor and establish goals
  • Transparent and Reliable Data about each individual employees progress
  • Monitor the status of any assigned tasks or objectives
  • Automate the evaluation process and assess the progress at flexible cycles
  • Establish a single point of communication pertaining to any task or project to reduce the clutter and stay informed about the progress
  • With regular monitoring of the project status, appreciate the employees and boost their morale

Being able to monitor the project or the assigned tasks or projects regularly gives you the power to make impactful decisions which can be used to shape the decisions pertaining to the employees either for appreciation or course correction.